Real Estate : The immovable properties that may be obtained and consist of lands or real estate properties.

Real Estate Investment Trust (REIT)  : The capital market institutions, which can invest in real estate investment trusts that are regulated by Capital Market Board, to real estates, to the capital market tools based on real estates, to real estate projects, to the rights based on real estates and to the real estate tools within the frame of Capital Market Law, which can form ordinary partnerships in order to carry out some certain projects, and which can perform other activities allowed by this Notification.

Renting : To bring a movable or immovable property into the use of another person in exchange for a price.

Rental Price : The price, which is paid by the user in exchange for the use of the office areas.

Rent Average : Weighed average of the rent of the vacant areas. The weight coefficient of the rental prices is calculated in accordance with the total office area and the vacant area. Listing prices are used in the calculations.

Renting Volume : The m² volume of the size, which has been signed under the liability of a rental contract or allocated for a certain building or a market for a specific time period.

Rentable Area : The total area, which is currently being commercialized in a certain time period. This term covers all sorts of areas, regardless of the fact that whether the land is vacant, occupied or suitable for sub-leasing in the future.

Rented Area : All areas that have a financial rental contract liability. Regardless of the fact that there is a tenant occupied in the area, it covers the entire rental area. The rented area also covers the area, which is offered for sub-leasing.

Rent Free Period : The time period, which is given by the property owner to the tenant in order to provide him/her rent-free period for the decoration works before moving in.

Rate of Returm : The income and realized or unrealized gain on an investment expressed as a percentage of the investment.

Rentable Space : The area of a property or suite, measured in square meter, upon which rent can be collected.

Rental Rate : The periodic charge per unit for the use of a property. The period may be a month, quarter, or year. The unit may be a dwelling unit, square foot, or other unit of measurement.

Replacement Cost : The cost to construct a building or improvement of equal economic utility, including both the cost of construction and related costs such as architectural fees, permits and interest during construction.

Retail : That class of property is designed to be occupied primarily by mercantile tenants engaged in retail trade to the public.

Return on Investment : The profit or return paid on invested capital, usually expressed as a percentage and calculated by dividing earnings before interest, taxes and dividends by total invested capital.

Right of First Offer : A form of option agreement by a landlord to offer a property for sale or for lease to a specific purchaser or tenant prior to offering that property on the open market.

Right of First Refusal : A form of option agreement by a landlord to allow a tenant or purchaser the opportunity to match or exceed an offer to lease or purchase a property received on the open market.

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